

Osteopathy is a method of diagnosing and treating structural and anatomical disorders in different parts of a patient's body, based on the use of special sensitivity in the hands of a specialist (osteopath).

The term "osteopathy" itself comes from the two Greek words "osteon", meaning "bone," and "pathos," "reaction, suffering, feeling." But does the term sound strange in modern translation - "bone suffering"? Or maybe "suffering with bones"? Let's try to understand that. The name of the new specialty was chosen differently from allopathy and homeopathy. These terms are derived from the Greek words "allos", meaning "second, opposite," and "homeo," meaning "same, similar, similar." Thus, allopathy means the opposite effect: high temperature - give antipyretic, headache - give painkiller. And homeopathy is the answer to a similar effect: the patient has a high temperature - give a healthy person a substance that causes temperature and similar symptoms, headache - give a substance that causes a similar headache. Osteopathy refers to the body's response to stimulation through the musculoskeletal system. We can also say it differently: musculoskeletal disorders can cause diseases through other diseases, and the disease itself can be diagnosed and treated through musculoskeletal disorders.

Osteopathy as a separate therapeutic and prophylactic trend emerged in America in the late 19th century. Its founder is Andrew Taylor Still - an engineer, physician and believer, he was able to combine the idea of ​​the "flow of natural forces" and his knowledge of human anatomy with the concept of a new direction in the healing of diseases.

A. Still began his career as a chiropractor or scientific manual therapist, but the techniques for affecting bones, muscles and joints were soft and not traumatic. He believed that the disease in the body occurs there and when the movement of tissues, the free flow of these various fluids (blood, lymph, intra-articular fluid, etc.) is disrupted. When mobility is restored, the cause of the disease disappears.

Let's look at one example. The man was injured - he broke a bone. To recover, it is necessary to fix this bone and the nearest joint (or joints) within 3-4 weeks. What happens to tissues and joints whose mobility is restricted by gypsum? Blood and lymph flow are reduced, and the activity of muscle contractions and metabolism (metabolic processes) in the tissues is reduced. When the plaster is removed, such a patient immediately sees a change - the muscles are loose and weak, the skin color is pale, the skin itself is dry, the fixed joints are swollen and stiff. There was a fracture and a whole bunch of "diseases". And if all the joints are properly restored, blood flow is increased, metabolic processes in all tissues are improved and "diseases" pass.

However, osteopathy is not limited to skeletal muscles, bones and joints. Mobility should take place in the skull bones and internal organs. Yes, they are moving! Each organ has its own amplitude and frequency, its own direction of movement. If their freedom is restricted as a result of trauma or other effects, illness is expected.

The task of an osteopath is to restore the mobility and elasticity of the body's structures and tissues, to restore blood flow, and the outflow of veins and lymphs, thereby restoring the functioning of the organs and systems of the human body.

Infants and babies

Lapse areng on kiire, eriti üleminekul imikueast väikelapsele. Osteopaatia toetab keha ja aju nende muutuste kaudu, vabastades kiirest ja kohati asümeetrilisest kasvust põhjustatud pinged. Üleminek roomamiselt kõnnile muudab kaalu ja kandmise jaotust ning pinge piirkondi. Neid on võimalik osteopaatiliste tehnikatega tõhusalt vabastada ja leevendada.
Korduvad nakkused ja põletikud, näiteks kõrvade või ninakõrvalkoobastes on väga levinud just lastel, neid on võimalik kraniaalsete tehnikatega mõjutada, kus parandatakse struktuuri ja vedeliku liikumist nii, et keha saab puhastuda.
Arenguprobleemide puhul töötavad osteopaadid närvisüsteemi ja lihasskeleti tasakaalu saavutamise nimel, et taastada peas struktuuride liikumist ja parendada vereringet.
Juhul, kui lapsele on diagnoositud autismi, aspergeri või downi sündroom, siis osteopaadid ei ravi algpõhjust, vaid nad abistavad ja toetavad patsienti nii palju kui võimalik: parandades aju liikumist, vereringet ja seljaajuvedeliku ringlust, pea ja keha luude ning membraanide liikumist viies närvisüsteem kehaga tasakaalu.
Põhilised kaebused, millega vastuvõtule tulla:

  • sünnitraumad
  • kolju- ja näoluude deformatsioon
  • nutvad ja ärritatud imikud
  • unehäired
  • kõhuvalu, refluks, kõhukinnisus
  • kukkumised ja peavigastused
  • selja-, kaela- või jäseme valu
  • korduvad põletikud
  • headaches
  • erinevad valud
  • arenguprobleemid või arengu viivutused
  • kõne hilinemine või selle raskused
  • rühi parendamine
  • spordivigastused
  • difficulty concentrating

Kids and teens

Children undergo great changes during adolescence, not only physical but also hormonal and emotional.

The rapid growth rate can create areas of imbalance and asymmetry or even highlight old injuries from childhood. One of the inconveniences during this growth phase is often poor posture, which may be due to the use of modern technology where children sit in a hunchback behind computers or carry heavy school bags. If they go unnoticed at this time, they can cause pain in the body and cause increased mood.

Peamised probleemid, millega teismelised osteopaadi juurde satuvad:

  • general pain

  • neck and shoulder problems related to learning or carrying heavy bags

  • problems with orthodontics, such as headache, face, neck and back pain

  • sports injuries and sports tensions

  • headaches

  • digestive problems

  • inability to relax

  • difficulty concentrating


Common adult problems that an osteopath can help with:

  • headaches: tension, migraine, cluster, cluster and chronic headaches

  • head injury, concussion, traumatic brain injury

  • neck pain

  • upper and middle back pain

  • injuries related to motor vehicle accidents

  • sports-related injuries

  • rib pain and chest pain

  • lower back pain, nerve pain, sacral pain

  • mandibular joint problems

  • tooth extraction pain

  • tennis player's elbow (lateral epicondylitis), golfer's elbow (medial epicondylitis), wrist or hand pain

  • carpal tunnel syndrome

  • ankle, leg, knee pain

  • hüppeliigese traumad

  • pelvic pain

  • infertility

  • cuclear nalgia

  • dizziness

  • chronic inflammation